Mr. Bradley is the President of the Ministerial
Association here in Red Deer.
He gave no answer to my warning about the suspicious fellow he received into
his pulpit: Mr. Hawkins. (About that, see the archive to the right: September,
2012.) And he gave no response, either, to the following warning I sent to him
last month (February 2013.) Can the president of this city’s ministerial tell a
wolf from a sheep? It seems not. Of course, this should not surprise anyone,
for the Red Deer Ministerial is made up of both orthodox and heretical
ministers, which kind of ‘brotherhood,’ or blend of light and darkness, is
condemned and disallowed by the apostle Paul in the closing verses of 2
Corinthians 6. The president of a ministerial body consisting of sheep and
wolves cannot be that discerning of any minister! He can’t discern up close and
personal. It is no wonder that he can’t discern beyond his own mongrel
Here are, from the magazine mentioned in the
letter, the affecting photos of this suspicious, globe-trotting Dr. Saddiki
(whose doctorate is merely honorary.) He has a fancy fable to fool you with.
Beware of his ministry of mammon. The man wants your money.
Yes, watch out, for Mr. Bradley may soon invite
this wolf to town, to the disservice of many a sheep! Such is Mr. Bradley’s
discernment and care! Remember Saddiki’s name, mark it down, and be watchful!
Spare yourselves a mauling once in awhile at least! Making money through
manipulation is the sham minister’s chief employment. A few years ago a
politician down in California
was accused of groping wallets. The sham minister will maul your money just
like that! Needless to say, he will do no good to your soul!
the letter, now, that I sent to Mr. Bradley last month:
February 2013
Mr. Bradley
Christian Assembly
Mr. Bradley,
Greetings again from
I have a copy of the Missions Fest magazine that
was given out in your church. You recommended an article in there about Dr.
Saddiki (or Siddiki, for the name is spelled both ways on the page.)
We should be instantly suspicious of an
‘evangelist’ who claims that the Lord has worked some great miracle upon his
body because “many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John
Notice that the doctors who spoke so
despairingly of Dr. Saddiki’s Job-like affliction are never named. Why not?
Notice that Dr. Saddiki’s ministry consists of ‘biblical principles for
success.’ Notice (in the picture below the article) the man’s fancy suit and
tie and what looks to be his ‘trophy’ wife. These signs are bad omens, for they
are exactly the characteristics that we discover in the lives of prosperity
preachers of the greediest, basest sort. These men are all about sham, show,
and stuff, which they sum up in one word: ‘success.’
After noticing these things, I predicted that if
I were to go to this man’s website, I would see there a mammon-centered effort,
not a Christ-centered ministry. What did I discover? I discovered a very
visible ‘donation’ button. I discovered the book he has written: Kingdom Principles of Financial Success, which
is about ‘God’s abundant life of prosperity and financial success.’ I
discovered the other book he wrote: How
to Prosper in any Recession. His episode of shingles happened in 1987. His
books were issued in 1999 and 2009. My, what spiritual progress the man has
made! After all this time— after the big miracle upon his body and the other
upon his heart, his mind is still fixed on money matters, not spiritual
realities! It says in the article that after his conversion, “the Holy Spirit
brought a voracious spiritual hunger that caused him to want to know about
Jesus.” A voracious hunger for money has nothing to do with knowledge about
Jesus, though. This article is a clever ad to steer readers to this man’s
website, where money, not Jesus, is the aim and king. His education comes out
of Rhema, as does that of his wife, which institution is the manufacturing
house for prosperity preachers who make it their business to fly all over the
world proclaiming healings and miracles where none can be found, which they do
to receive undeserved glory and to draw gobs of money through which to glut
their lives with earthly riches and amusements.
Are you suspicious of this man yet? You should
be. What happens when a man is saved and cured by the Lord? Does he become
Christ-centered? That’s the way it went for A. B. Simpson, the founder of the
once-doctrinal Alliance
denomination. How come this is not the way it turned out for Mr. Saddiki? Is it
possible that he is a liar who has money for his god? A man who has received
Jesus Christ does not preach mammon. You do not believe that one would, do you?
You do not believe a mammon-centered ministry to be the fruit of the Spirit, do
Did the New Testament disciples ever preach
mammon? I cannot find that they ever did. Do we have any word from Jesus about
treasures on earth? He tells us to lay up treasures of another kind, doesn’t
he? If Dr. Saddiki really saw Jesus like he says he did, or encountered him in
a saving way, would he not be in harmony with what Jesus says must be the new
disciple’s aim? Would a saved Saddiki not be feeding us heavenly doctrine about
Jesus instead of points on how to lay up treasures on earth?
Jesus’ word to new disciples is, “But lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6.20.) What are ‘principles for
success’ but the opposite aim? Jesus says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things [food and clothing] shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6.33) What
is Mr. Saddiki seeking? The kingdom of heaven? No, but ‘kingdom principles of
financial success.’ And does Mr. Saddiki preach the abundant spiritual life
that Jesus speaks of? No, but an ‘abundant life of prosperity and financial
success.’ Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be
also” (Matthew 6.21.) Where is Mr. Saddiki’s heart? It is set upon treasures on
earth, isn’t it? After he was healed and saved, or ‘transformed,’ the article
concludes, “Dr. Siddiki’s passion has been to know and serve the Lord Jesus
Christ.” Why the books on mammon then? Should we not expect a ‘transformed’ man
to be passionate about preaching ‘Christ crucified’ instead? That’s what the
apostle Paul did when he was saved
and healed! What does it say in the book of Acts about this? “And straightway
he preached Christ” (9.20.) Let’s compare, shall we? Dr. Saddiki suffers
(presumably), and then after getting saved and healed, he preaches mammon. The
apostle Paul is saved and healed, upon which he preaches Christ ‘straightway,’
then his other sundry sufferings begin, endure throughout the course of his
life, and then he is martyred. These two testimonies are quite different from
each other, aren’t they? Yes, one is about prospering on earth and an easy
life; the other is about an arduous life and a cruel death for the sake of a
Saviour and Lord truly known, felt, obeyed, served, and worshiped. I didn’t
even mention the trophy wife that Paul didn’t get! Is Dr. Saddiki a man you
should be recommending to your congregation? This man’s purpose is the precise
opposite of what a disciple’s ought to be! “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall
know them” (Matthew 7.20.) Know who? False prophets (verse 15.)
Mr. Bradley, if you are a good shepherd, you
will share this letter with your people, or you will at least make them aware
of the dangers of what you recommended. There is more than enough to be
gathered from the article and from the man’s website to give us reason to doubt
his fantastic-sounding story. And the man’s mission is about as different from
a biblical one as that of Barjesus from the apostle Paul’s! (Acts 13.6.) To put
Dr. Saddiki and Barjesus in the same camp is not farfetched, for Barjesus
sought to turn people from the faith and “to pervert the right ways of the
Lord” (verses 8, 10.) I have shown you that Dr. Saddiki’s way is a perversion
of what Jesus tells us the disciple’s way must be. And to urge Christian people
to pursue money, which is what Mr. Saddiki does, is an attempt, whether he
realizes it or not, to turn them away from the faith.
Should you warn your people about this man whose
testimony you recommended, maybe? I admonish you to be vigilant about articles
and magazines before you recommend them. Because of your position, what you say
influences what people do. Why don’t you find out what the Toronto General Hospital
knows about Dr. Saddiki? The story over there (if there is even one to tell)
will be at odds with the fable we are told in this article. You recommended the
man. Why don’t you look into it? A man with integrity and a biblical work ethic
would do nothing less. This is your job to do, not mine. Whatever the true
story is, the fact is that this man is all about earthly riches, not the riches
of Christ’s person, word, and work.
Your responsibility is to be sound in speech.
What you say from your ministerial position should never be of the sort that
may be justly condemned (Titus 2.8.)
If you are a good shepherd, you will right your
wrong. I have done my part in bringing this matter to your attention. One Day
you will give an account for the people who are deceived through your careless,
thoughtless recommendations.